Friday, 7 October 2016

Xanthelasma - Day of surgical procedure (Sept 21, 2016)


Well, needless to say, I did not get much sleep the night before.  I spent a good portion of the night looking at before and after pictures on the Internet.  This did nothing to calm me!
I was also hungry as I had done my best to eat 'cleanly' several days before the procedure.  My surgeon suggested I lower my salt intake to limit the amount of swelling post op.
Unfortunately,  it turns out practically everything I eat has quite a bit of salt in it.

 I arrived at the surgical suite and was given the option of an Adavan to help calm my nerves.
 It was decided he would remove the Xan while I was awake but numb.  He administered several needles around both eyes and once I couldn't feel anything he began the removal.
Surprisingly it wasn't bad at all.  I knew which area he was working on but there was no pain whatsoever.  The 'yuck' factor came into play when I could hear a ripping sound as he pulled the Xan off the muscle.  The Xan was deep so I'm glad I opted for the surgery.
The entire procedure on both lower lids was complete within 45 minutes.
A follow up appointment was scheduled 5 days later when my stitches would be removed.

For the next week I took it easy and slept on my back with my head elevated by pillows.

This photo was taken the day after surgery.  

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